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On this page you will find supplementary materials that build upon knowledge and skills learned in earlier units and applies them in new contexts.  



Week of 4/6 - 4/10:   Supplementary budgeting activities and applications


This week I am posting two new practice activities.  Any work that is submitted on a Friday will get feedback by the following Wednesday.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.


The first activity requires you to review the income tax unit, identify the appropriate tax bracket from a table and then apply the correct tax percentage.  The second activity reviews rates (remember "per" means division, e.g. mph = miles/hours).  Complete the table and then answer the questions on page 2.  If you have any questions please email me.








Week of 3/30 - 4/3:   Supplementary budgeting activities and applications


This week I am posting three new budgeting practice resources; finding an apartment; utilities webquest and exercise, and practice reviewing an electric bill.  Any work that is submitted on a Friday will get feedback by the following Wednesday.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.








Week of 3/23 - 3/27:   Supplementary budgeting activities and applications


The 8 Best Budgeting Apps of 2020: Review this website, pick the app that you think you would suit you best and write a five sentence reflection on why, including specific features/functionalities.



Compare the Cost of Living in various cities and answer the questions in the worksheet below.  The resource to complete this can be found at Sperling’s Best Places Website:









Imagine living paycheck to paycheck.  Play the interactive game SPENT and reflect on the experience on the worksheet below.  SPENT Game Website:















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